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eustatic "woah, nice idea with the aquarium pump, looking forward to it. scott " | Read more » almost 10 years ago
jefffalk "Another well financed monitoring report that includes mobile monitoring is by David Snyder from UW Stevens Point: LADCO Midwest Wood Smoke Study: h..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
willie "Jeff is correct. The video shows Dr Apte's set up for his work in Delhi. I included it as a kind of inspiration for the start of our work and somet..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
jefffalk "There are apparently some misconceptions here. As I read it, the monitor used by Apte was a commercial DustTrak not a dustduino and his research h..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
RonGeorge "Hi Willie Is the actual sensor used in the video a dustduino? I was surprised by the high sampling frequency of a low cost DIY device... The influ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
jefffalk "Having an inexpensive mobile monitor would be wonderful. In fact, having an inexpensive stationary monitor would be wonderful. But one needs credi..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "thanks for sharing, Nick! I didn't want to give away your secret. We're looking at several situations (like particles, H2S) where controlled airfl..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
nshapiro "Hi willie! Its a great project! I haven't read the Apte documentation, but mobile sensing does create some difficulties in terms of maintaining the..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
willie "Thanks Matt. This is definitely at its onset but I wanted to share the Apte inspiration. He did a number of things to ensure that the quality of th..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "That's pretty neat. How airflow will be controlled, as I would expect a moving vehicle to increase particulate measurements as a matter of the airf..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago