
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
pdhixenbaugh "Changed this into a question by adding the tag "question:question" " | Read more » about 8 years ago
pdhixenbaugh "I think I might have answered my own question (and found a bug? calling @warren) I made this post by clicking the "Ask a question" button, but it ..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
pepzbairi "mm... not really, haven't detected any flickering...well, thanks for the help anyway!! Any ideas about a plugin from ImageJ in order to extract sp..." | over 11 years ago
warren "I see -- well, I couldn't see a way to change the frame rate in software, at least not via JavaScript. Is it flickering? " | over 11 years ago
pepzbairi "yes more or less....I was wondering if I could change the frame rate of the camera through the driver that connects the camera to the computer and ..." | over 11 years ago
warren "Are you using it over USB with Spectral Workbench, as a webcam? Cool, does it not have a Bayer filter? " | over 11 years ago