Raspberry Pi Spectrometer

This page collects efforts to develop a Raspberry Pi (#raspberry-pi) based spectrometer, building on Public Lab (and others') open source [DIY spectrometer designs](/wiki/spectrometry). ## Design goals The Raspberry Pi camera (especially the version 2 camera) is very sensitive and good resolution, very inexpensive (<$20), has very low baseline noise, and is extremely configurable. ## Software You can now [download ready-to-use camera software on our Pi Builder page](/pi-builder). ## Questions Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve. [questions:raspberry-pi-spectrometer] ## Activities Activities show how to use this project, step by step. [activities:raspberry-pi-spectrometer] ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
warren "Hmm, can you share your script, maybe on GitHub? I think the API is supposed to return a URL or at least a spectrum id. https://spectralworkbench...." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cedarlodge "Thanks for the help. So far I've written a script in python which takes the photo, saves a copy to my media, then takes the middle line of pixels ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cedarlodge "Sure, so far I'm just doing test with CFL and halogen bulbs. The spectra I've uploaded do register as a bit dim, so I'm having to tinker with the c..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Also, would you mind uploading or sharing some spectra you've taken? I'm eager to see some replications of the fairly new Lego design for verificat..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "This is a great question and we need better (or just more refined) solutions. But there are a few options to start with: https://github.com/publi..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cedarlodge "It would use the USB port. The zero is wired to draw power through it as well as data. I've just enabled it on the Pi zero i'm using at work. You ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "OMG I know what you mean, @wmacfarl and I have been talking about how one tiny thing can ruin your whole day when working with Raspberry Pis. And I..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Awesome!!! We're going to start distributing these with buttons and low-profile batteries soon at http://store.publiclab.org so including a button ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cedarlodge "Have got it to work before in a pi zero (no WiFi). Key thing is to make sure the micro usb you use is also a data cable. That’s one very frustratin..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cedarlodge "Here’s a basic guide to adding a tactile button to the GPIO pins: https://www.modmypi.com/blog/tutorial-tactile-switch For a neater package, i’d ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "I think either would work, but haven't tried it myself. Once you get this assembled, please do and share your results! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Looks like you can just load it as an image using this code, and insert it: var piImage = new Image(); piImage.onload = function() { ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "I did find some links here, but haven't tried it! https://learn.adafruit.com/turning-your-raspberry-pi-zero-into-a-usb-gadget/ethernet-gadget htt..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "We're also now collecting more info on this page: https://publiclab.org/w/raspberry-pi-spectrometer " | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "There's some really good starting code here: https://www.sitepoint.com/streaming-a-raspberry-pi-camera-into-vr-with-javascript/ Please help out if..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Yes, I think that's be great. I'm adding this as a "challenge" on the Spectrometry page, hope someone picks it up. Also see related: https://public..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "Also see this question on getting data off a Raspberry Pi via keyboard emulation: https://publiclab.org/questions/warren/04-29-2017/getting-a-raspb..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
warren "What are you hoping to measure with it? " | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Here are a couple leads! https://publiclab.org/notes/cristoforetti/06-22-2016/webvalley-2016-improved-compact-spectrometer https://publiclab.org/..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Just wanted also to link to @stoft's input on this question in this comment: As to the RPi camera, it seems to have two "difficulties" which need ..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "Oh great; @khufkens also shared that on this site! https://publiclab.org/notes/khufkens/11-02-2015/ov5647-raspberry-pi-camera-spectral-response-qua..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
warren "I found that V4L2 driver apparently makes it possible to use the raspberry pi camera in Firefox with webrtc, the API Spectral Workbench uses: https..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago
Siphirobe "I was wondering the same thing, just with the PiNoIR camera since I am more interested in remote sensing of vegetation. " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
stef "@warren After sleeping it over, realized that due to the no IR filter of the raspberry the bandwidth response will be different from the published..." | Read more » almost 8 years ago