
A microscope is an optical instrument that can be used for magnification. It's often made up of multiple parts, including: * optics (lens, focus, calibration) * a camera * a lighting system * a moving stage to hold slides Community Microscope Kit We’ve developed a microscope kit you can build yourself - the result of many teams’ work coming together! Read more about the Community Microscope! ## Questions Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve. [questions:microscopes] ## Activities Activities show how to use this project, step by step. [activities:microscopes] ## Updates [notes:microscopes] ...

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farhanbinkhalid50 "Bagpipes are a woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. The Scottish Great Highland bagp..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
androidblue "The microscope provides up to 50X ... and can be used with the default webcam software included in your pc operating system. ... The apk download f..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
hcatherine916 "If you have a slow internet connection then you must switch to Du Home Internet for fastest connectivity and much more fun also they offer really e..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
Bronwen "Hi @francesco49 I'm moving this response over from a duplicate question not sure you've seen it? We shouldn't need install a driver to use the ..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
Bronwen "Hi @francesco49 -- just wondering if you've been able to get your camera up and running! If you give us a little more info about your setup we migh..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
warren "Hi, our basic microscope kits use a standard USB webcam that shouldn't need a driver; can you tell us more about the operating system you're using?..." | Read more » over 4 years ago
Bronwen " Oh, wow, I totally missed the mark, that's even cooler. " | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Although, "tell these apart" may also be a relative term. When you see the light or dark regions, you dont see the pits themselves but rather diffe..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "And to answer a question above, I /think/ this would put all "long" pits in the 1 regions, and all "short" pits in the 0 regions. So, you'd have to..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Oh, actually this technique doesn't use a laser cutter - it forms an image by copying data onto the DVD at differing densities, so that the actual ..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Bronwen " You know what, forget what I said about kerf width-- I'm used to the range I listed, but I'm finding some charts for lasers that makes it seem lik..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Bronwen "Oh cool, this is a super interesting question. I think this would be tricky to do at the scale that our calibration slides currently have (the rul..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "@jiteovien just linking your diagram and challenge up with this reply from @maxliboiron -- https://publiclab.org/questions/jiteovien/08-08-2018/can..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
warren " " | Read more » almost 6 years ago
warren " " | Read more » almost 6 years ago
maxliboiron "Yes-- the issue is the lighting, not the magnification. Most plastics are opaque, and the closer you zoom in, the harder it is to identify plastics..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
Bronwen "My (cursory) understanding from talking to @maxliboiron is that this microscope, which has a light source that passes through the sample (on the op..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
warren "Wow, great info. Love this! " | Read more » about 6 years ago
michalby "Mineral oil should work. I sometimes use on a professional immersion objectives a mixture of drugstore-bought liquid paraffin (sold as a laxative) ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
warren "We've ended up trying a webcam as an easier starting point, later upgradable to Raspberry Pi camera. It's working really well! And these laser-cutt..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "ohh interesting. I was about to buy the 10x. Any fixes for this? or any troubleshooting success @kgradow1 ? " | Read more » over 6 years ago
richardbowman "@kgradow1 are you using one of the openflexure optics modules? If so, that might explain why the 10x lens didn't work as expected. Finite-conjuga..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
richardbowman "Hey, for the Openflexure Microscope I tend to buy the lenses from Aliexpress, usually Sunlight Optical but there are many suppliers. The mass-prod..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "Also, I'd really like to give this a try as a more contained way to mount the lens -- although surely with some potential rigidity issues too... " | Read more » over 6 years ago