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jhondue123456 "https://www.google.com " | Read more » 3 months ago
shahdharam7 "@peter_mansson1 Nice work. The final goal here is to analyze the nutrient effect. Right? The normal camera (Raspberry pi camera) can also get th..." | Read more » almost 3 years ago
achita_ea "Hi @petter_mansson1 I can not use Cloud Upload in MainNDVI Thise error missing 2 required positional arguments : 'preNDVIFilepath' and 'timestamp' ..." | Read more » over 3 years ago
patalbright "Have you found your answer already or is there anyone else with a feedback on how to know when one found the best balance? :) pretty hard to find i..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
nstarli "Hi Peter, you explained that you used the GUI to manually find your proper balance, however how did you actually quantify what made a good photo? " | Read more » almost 5 years ago
evan_lesmez "Lol wish I had saved the blue filter it shipped with " | Read more » almost 5 years ago
evan_lesmez "This is awesome I am working on implementing this into analyzing my hydroponic garden. Just got my piNoIr camera running & am looking through y..." | Read more » almost 5 years ago
warren " Hi! Just noting that this software stack I mentioned above is configured to run headlessly and to send video over WiFi, including NDVI processing:..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
petter_mansson1 "I use a combination of PILLOW, numpy and Matplotlib. You can also find all my camera settings in https://github.com/PiddePannkauga/ndviMachine. It ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
jmdavison12 " Thanks Petter, I'm using a headless Raspberry Pi so I don't have the option of writing a GUI application (without networking the stream and severe..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
petter_mansson1 "Here is my repo for the GUI application. Run the script on your raspberry pi. Think you need to install a Tkinter library. At first I only created ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
petter_mansson1 " I wrote a simple GUI application using TK for Python with 2 sliders to control AWB gains. That was my approach to finding a good balance. I don't ..." | Read more » about 5 years ago
jmdavison12 " " | Read more » over 5 years ago
jmdavison12 " Hi Peter, What red/blue gains did you use for these photos (I assume you are using picamera)? I know that lighting conditions vary and white bala..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jmdavison12 "Dang, nice! Didn't realize this was possible with the blue filter that ships with the piNoIR. I can't believe how clear these results are. I'm als..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
petter_mansson1 " Hi Jacob, Cool! It would be interesting to compare ideas. I'm taking a single image, using the blue filter that came with the NoIR camera module..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jmdavison12 " Wow, great work Peter! Have you not included the non-filtered image used to generate the single channel NDVI? or are you doing 'single image' NDVI..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
ankurp836 " Thanks for buddy Post " | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "that'd be awesome. The image workflow we've built is javascript based, but it's also possible to use Pi Builder to produce reproducible python tool..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
petter_mansson1 " I was not aware of this. Very cool, I had an idea doing something of the same sort but it's better if we work together! I'd love to share what I'v..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren " Hi! This is awesome. Have you seen our Infragram Pi software, somewhat documented at: https://publiclab.org/infragram-pi https://publiclab.org/p..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Bronwen " This is fantastic! Looking forward to seeing your conclusions! " | Read more » over 5 years ago
nedhorning "It's worth testing but those cards you link to look promising. From my experience it's the bright target that is more of a problem than the dark ta..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "ah, good point. I guess both are relevant. We could distribute them in a dark envelope or folder, perhaps.  Yes, i also wondered about this -- bot..." | Read more » over 5 years ago