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JacobNederend "Thanks for the feedback. I think I misunderstood the function of this plugin. I thought I could calibrate my jpeg R/G/NIR images to a black, a gre..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
nedhorning "Hi Jacob, To check for aperture you could try another EXIF reader. Maybe "max aperture" is the same as "aperture" but I have no idea. When working ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
JacobNederend "Hi Ned, I am really excited about the work you are doing here as it helps resolve some major issues with my grad studies. I have a few questions: ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
nedhorning "I haven't seen reflectance curves for the "standard" white balance cards that include the NIR region of the spectrum. My guess is they would differ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
Claytonb "@nedhorning thanks for all your work Ned. I am curious if we can use the usual gray and black cards for white balance as calibration targets and if..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
nedhorning "Unfortunately those values would only work if you had the same materials that I used. To get the reflectance values you would either need to fine s..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
aldehyde "How to get target reflectance values for the visible and near-infrared wavelengths that correspond with the camera filter? Can I use?. 0.7529225,0..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "Hi aldehyde - Did you look at the user guide on Github: https://github.com/nedhorning/PhotoMonitoringPlugin that should have information about crea..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
aldehyde "Please help. If it is possible to describe all the work with the plugin. How to create "сomma-separated variable (CSV) file with the reflectance v..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "Mathew - Have you been able to find a reflectance plot for those paints? I looked but didn't see it. Other paints I was looking at a couple years a..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
mathew "Rosco manufactures outdoor-grade TV paints including 60% grey (TV white) and black (3%) and chroma colors (blue, green). They would be good choices..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
admaltais "Have you considered using reference charts used to calibrate green rooms in cinema? Some thing like this: labsphere - Reflectance Reference Targets..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "HI Agustin - I put the images on my server here: https://resources.cbc.amnh.org/cbccloudstorage/public.php?service=files&t=12385a3a09a4879fcffc..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
agustin_castellano "@nedhorning Great Job Ned!! could you please send me the original pictures of the 650/850 filter ? Regards Agustin " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
warren "This is something that'd also benefit the general white balance process of Infragram cameras. I wonder, are there any paint sample strips that are ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "The panel order is not important as long as it's predictable and known. The "ideal" targets would probably be a few gray patches from bright to dar..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
warren "QR code libraries are available in many languages, and most QR code libraries will probably return a location of the center of the code. But maybe ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "At this point I haven't put much thought into ideal targets mostly because I don't have access to a spectrometer to measure and test different targ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "When I first started thinking about this a couple years ago I figured auto-detecting the calibration targets would be key but that turned out to be..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
warren "Ah, I see - its the difference between a new paragraph and a <br /> break tag. Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, that makes sense... It'd ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
cfastie "In markdown, leaving a single blank line between two blocks of content produces a single blank line between the two blocks of content. If you want ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
warren "Standard for an extra carriage return in Markdown is leaving a single blank line between two blocks of content - that may more sense, or be easier ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
nedhorning "Yep - that's it " | Read more » about 9 years ago
cfastie "Ned, So like this. We need to make a different file of reflectances for each filter because the filters we were using were very narrow band filt..." | Read more » about 9 years ago