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johnb1003 "@warren I actually did not create that list / documentation. However, once I get a functioning air sensor I do planning on creating similar documen..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
zengirl2 "This looks great—also looks like others have faced similar issue with 8266 and Shinyei sensor just through googling. Here’s one example (although s..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Ooh, i love the very succinct bill of materials with links and prices! Great documentation! Did you write that documentation? Copying it in here fo..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
cschweik "Ok, email me on the price -- I think I will purchase through you (thanks for the single camera tray). Should I pay through your website? " | Read more » over 9 years ago
cfastie "Lifting two cameras with a Public Lab balloon requires that you fill the balloon to just about its capacity. I think it should be 5.5 feet in diame..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
cschweik "Hi Chris. Thanks for your continued interest in our project. We've got some ideas on trying to use photoshop to extract out water chestnut. We'll s..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
cfastie "Ally and @cschweik, That's great new stuff on the wiki page. Nice photos of water chestnut. Were you able to get the RGB camera working? I have a..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
cfastie "Yikes, that's not good. Let me know if you need help getting a replacement camera. There are several on ebay now and I think I have another one here. " | Read more » over 9 years ago
aferland "Chris we figured out why it wasn't taking pictures but then when we were out trying to fly balloon we thought going into canoe would be a good idea..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
cfastie "Ally, It is the kite that should be flying at least 100 feet high before you attach the camera rig to the line. The camera can be attached to the l..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
liz "Fantastic documentation! Love the project goals. Keep us posted! " | Read more » over 9 years ago
donblair "Update: Amherst College has posted a follow-up on their Facebook page, here: " | Read more » over 10 years ago
nedhorning "Well done. I've been working a bit with texture to add additional image layers (predictor variables) to the stack for eventual automated classifica..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "Charlie: The images everyone is working on are single photos from the cameras (or multispectral versions). The problematic color variations are wit..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
ttaylor "the large scale image is here, 2736x3648 pixels. The patch of Trapa that I "trained" on and the patch in the upper center really do have significa..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "Hi Charlie, The better we can represent the variability of the feature we are trying to classify the more accurate the result should be. In genera..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cschweik "Thanks Ned for your ongoing insight and expertise. So one thought I had related to Tom's workflow would be to see if we have a broad scale image t..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
nedhorning "HI all, I thought I made a comment on this earlier today but apparently I did something wrong (again). It's great to see more people digging into ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cschweik "Hi Tom, Chris, (Tom, I'm Charlie, the UMass Amherst faculty who was out in the canoe with Chris. Thanks for doing this work!) Chris - just to be ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "Camera orientation and position (relative to the photo scene) is reconstructed when a structure-from-motion model is made using lots of photos take..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
ttaylor "Chris, that's interesting. That patch is significantly less blue that the training patch. I wonder why. Maybe different specularity? From your ..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cfastie "This is great information. In the first GIF, the second largest circle, near the top, has a nice large patch of pure Trapa that appears to be simil..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago