
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
jholmes5 "It would be nice to have a scale. At the Open Hours last week they did say it was hard to get absolute temperatures without some sort of calibratio..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
jholmes5 "It seems like the red is cooler, since the beaches and shallow water of Jamaica Bay are that lighter yellow color, and they should be warm spots. ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
nicholas "Yes I should have documented my work a bit better. I basically followed the tutorial and then kept moving the zoom around and playing with the set..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
nedhorning "I'm not sure what would cause that red spot. There isn't a legend or an image date so I'm assuming that the red spot is cooler than the surrounding..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
liz "@nedhorning , @donblair did you see this? " | Read more » almost 10 years ago