Question: Every spectrum is on its side?

wijnand_doffer is asking a question about general
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by wijnand_doffer | March 19, 2021 14:32 | #25976


I am trying to do something with Spectral Workbench for a couple of days now and I am getting stuck whatever I try.

When I manually upload an image (because taking a picture with the rear camera of a smartphone isn't supported) the webpage says a spectrum is succesfully created but the image is horrible... Instead of nice bands from left to right my spectrum is from top to bottom and stretched out to the sides and cramped to a narrow band vertically.

image description

Can somebody explain what's going wrong?


@warren @liz any thoughts? Thanks!

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Hello! When you go to the capture interface, there is a button (shown below) for rotating the cross section that's taken of the camera feed before you begin. I hope this helps!


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