Question: Spectrometry: degrees between gratings or camera and baseline

obisidian is asking a question about spectrometry
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by obisidian | July 17, 2017 13:45 | #14659

why the diffraction grating should be placed at 65° and the camera should be placed at 45°? What is the advantage of this placement?



IMHO, the 2-angle configuration was simply derived through mechanical tinkering. It seemed to work and so was subsequently measured and documented -- but history tends to live on.. Since the DVD-grating spectra tend to use only a portion of the camera's image "pixel width", there is some "flexibility" in the configuration which will still show a spectrum.

The downside is the asymmetry at the sensor which adds non-linearity to the spectral wavelength - to - pixel relationship so the 2-angle configuration is less than ideal. IMHO, the grating should be parallel to the camera sensor plane and generally within a couple mm of the lens. Such an assembly is then mounted at 45-deg to the incident light. For some graphical explanations see: .

Hope this helps. Cheers, Dave

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