Public Lab Research note

Community Science Interventions: A Framework (Barnraising2017 Session)

by pdhixenbaugh | November 04, 2017 15:35 04 Nov 15:35 | #15149 | #15149

(Draft) These were our take-aways we wanted to share from the session: (Photo of whiteboard upcoming)

 * Framework:
        * What (is the issue?)
        * Where is it? (Sources, Exposures)
        * Who (has leverage, is affected)
        * How (can the who intervene, can it be done, and what resources are necessary?)
* Framework & scope are useful for discussion purposes. General scope leads to less useful, general notions, specific scope leads to specific, perscriptive notions. (Prioritizing  sources, etc.)

* Information appropriate for the desired use: Gardeners don't want theoretical things, they want something prescriptive. (Not "Well you can do this, or you could do that, or maybe this is possible...")
* Gathering information: breaking out of Silos

See the full notes of what was talked about here:


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