Public Lab Research note

Reporting Forms for Louisiana (and other) pollution events

by eustatic | January 26, 2016 06:46 26 Jan 06:46 | #12620 | #12620

What I want to do

Link a clip from LEAN's recent guide to environmental action.

LEAN and Tulane Environmental Law Clinic have both recently published Citizen's Guides to Environmental Protection that are worth elevating.

This portion of this Guide can be distributed alongside the OTK to communities concerned about reporting oil pollution in Louisiana.

I have added the National Response Center's number as a contact, so that Citizens and Environmental Organizations can monitor reports with Skytruth Alerts.

The Louisiana Bucket Brigade also has a iWitness reporting map.


I was Just looking for this publication online. Thanks for posting Scott. Any ideas where we can get the full one?

@gretchengehrke you should check out LEAN's publication when you get a moment (or the piece of it that's hear anyway). It's Awesome! I can't find the full publication online, but they have a beautiful printed form out I'll try to get my hands on.

I think it would be good to put together a wiki page of these types of resources that are available. I was just on a call about the Toxics Action Center's new publication on "Is a health study the answer for your community? A guide for making informed decisions." Also really interesting.

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Great resources!

I'll make a wiki to collect these:

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Hmm, the TAC one is excellent -- maybe the "Sidebar: Comparing Your Results with Standards" on p51 could be linked to from our Homebrew doc?

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I should note that the link is just a clip of the LEAN one, a small amount of pages suitable as a handout for community monitoring trainings.

by changing the contact info, this is probably a decent checklist for many kinds of incident reporting.


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Just posting this, as complaints are more vital than ever:

Scott Eustis 2:29 PM (1 minute ago) to Faye

Monitoring Exerpt from LEAN Guide to Environmental Action, 2016

Since this is late, file a complaint:

if an ongoing emergency, call LSP, not LDEQ. Louisiana State Police (LSP) Hazardous Material Hotline at (225) 925-6595

LDEQ 1 888 763 5424

If they would like our national partners to be informed, it's good to file an NRC report, I can help with that. US Coast Guard 1 800 424 8802

To report video files, after you have called, email 1) with an incident or complaint number, 2) date, your name, and suspected responsible party

Requirements for Emergency Notification: (LAC 33:I.3915) For Emergency incidents, as defined in (LAC 33:I.3915), call the Louisiana State Police (LSP) Hazardous Material Hotline at (225) 925-6595 as soon as possible within the first hour of the emergency. A call to the LDEQ does not qualify as Emergency incident notification. However, a written notification report by the facility to the LDEQ is still required within seven calendar days after the initial reporting to the Louisiana State Police.

More information here

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