Public Lab Research note

Potholes in New Orleans Research Note

by Rgaude | April 14, 2021 14:46 14 Apr 14:46 | #26236 | #26236

So far we have brainstormed about environmental issues in our area. Then we did some research on each issue and decided on a topic, potholes in New Orleans. We brainstormed different topics and questions we could answer on the topic, and we organized these thoughts in an infographic displayed below. In the near future we will try to go out into the field to answer these questions: how does soft soil affect potholes/how does water affect potholes, what effect do floods have on the road, and how can potholes be repaired with asphalt?


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The Pothole Report is a citizen sourced, community driven campaign to address the blight, transportation and development challenges that continue to affect the citizens and neighborhoods of the Greater New Orleans Metro Area. The Pothole Report listens to talk radio, reads the paper, and has ears and eyes in the street. We are looking for a handful of innovative, energetic and motivated individuals who are committed to supporting the success of a community-based development project.

It's not clear if they're active or if the project got off of the ground, but here is their twitter page:

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