Our main concern: As NW Florida grows with many miles of new roads, road projects are sending huge amounts of sediment into adjacent waterways during construction.
What do we know about how this issue regulated?
The FL Department of Environmental Protection is largely in control of making certain that these projects comply with the law and do not send sediment into nearby waterways. But the State Department of Transportation (DOT) also has control, as these are mostly their projects and they are failing to hold contractors accountable for controlling erosion.
Who is engaged in this concern?
The Bream Fishermen Association, Florida's oldest citizen water quality monitoring group, has taken the lead on educating and working to resolve this issue. They are working with homeowners along a bayou (Indian Bayou) that has been fouled by a DOT road project for the past year and a half. Indian Bayou has become the "poster child" for these ongoing issues in the region. Indian Bayou homeowners, University of West Florida students, and Gulf Restoration Network are also assisting.
What are the initial questions?
How can we help local citizens and groups document the ongoing pollution of Indian Bayou and use it to effect change in DOT road projects?
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
What are different methods of measuring water turbidity? | @warren | about 7 years ago | 1 | 3 |
Has anyone used a timelapse camera in stream monitoring? | @stevie | over 8 years ago | 1 | 15 |
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
Aerial Mapping: Community science workshop with Public Lab | @ChristianWagley | about 7 years ago | 2 | 0 |
Thanks for posting! Just adding in some text and a link I gathered from a chat with @ChristianWagley "Every time we have heavy rain the bayou turns red from red clay from dirt roads and road construction upstream (north) channeled to the bayou through ditches and a constrained natural creek."
Also, a Pensacola News Journal article with good drone footage of area: http://www.pnj.com/videos/news/2017/09/08/drone-footage-avalon-boulevard-retention-pond-run-off-indian-bayou/105403472/
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