What I want to do
in one hour, document the day-long planting conducted with Restore the Earth Foundation and LDWF of a Crevasse project in South Pass, LA.
This site had been suggested for DredgeFest imagery for LA 2014 by Lauren Sullivan and Andy Nyman.
Time was limited. I didn't finish walking over to the western site before i was summoned back to the boat. Allow more than 90 minutes for photography, is the lesson there.
This will result in a map, eventually, of some very dynamic land-building, in very high resolution. We also captured a single event.
I'm going to map this one myself, as a promise to REF
My attempt and results
Kite: Little Bear Rig: RC Picavet Camera: Canon 1400 with trigger taped down wind varied from 10-15 mph, but at a certain elevation, the kite would not climb.
link to photo selection. https://www.flickr.com/photos/eustatic/tags/restoretheearth/
Gulf Restoration Network and Public Lab. This work may appear at DredgeFest Louisiana Jan 17 and on Google Earth in the coming months.
All told, the site was 600m long, but I don't know if the site was planted as planned. So it may be much shorter.
i'm unsure about my coverage of the western edge of the site, since the boat left with my kite before i could map it and i ran out of time...but i have about 1000 more photos to go through, i know i got at least a partial rendering. I do think that the site is not as extensive as the plan states. I know that the 5 gal cypress were planted more in the "back," because I was in charge of that planting team. I could probably annotate these particular 25 trees, since Royal team planted them with care.
Colored stakes used to guide the planting are indeed visible in the photos--there was a strip of the planting plan, that if retrieved could provide a reference. But I think i washed mine in the washer.
East Site
West Site
Questions and next steps
Make a map. give to Google. Print for DredgeFest LA
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