Question: what are technical solution on crowd photo monitoring for environmental pollution? We want to set up photo monitoring for Air pollution, apps could adjust with previous photo or view angle.

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by erdenetsogt_s | October 04, 2019 02:26 | #21069

My name's Erdenetsogt, I'm the executive director of Public Lab Mongolia. The initial idea is to look at the same photo from the same location and view angle on a daily basis and it will be shown to the public how bad or good is the Air quality condition at this time or back in two days and so on. And people can understand visually how it's look like if AQ isn't good rather then reading traditional monitoring station scientific record/numbers.

We'll ask the crowd to become volunteers on taking the photo on a daily basis from the same location and view angle.


USGS and Nerds for Nature use a method of mounting a metal "angle bracket" outside where people can go and line up their cameras in order to take the same photo of the same view at different times.


There's this now-famous grid of photos by Zou Yi of Beijing's skyline that were all taken from indoors an apartment by a camera on a tripod:


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Thank you so much for your valuable information, it's very helpful for us

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