Question: Video describing basics of launching regular/mini balloon kits?

pfhs is asking a question about balloon-mapping
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by pfhs | June 29, 2018 18:42 | #16591

I am looking for a video or simple step-by-step online tutorial, suitable for students, describing the basics of balloon launching for aerial mapping (how to fill balloon, seal it, secure it to string, basics of launch and recovery, etc.). I am sure that there is something out there, but so far I have just found little bits of information here and there.

Thanks to all for your patience. I have been slamming the forum over the past week or so!


Hi, no problem! What about this one via LifeHacker? It's a bit short, but not bad:

I think there was a longer one by a show called The Gadget Show in the UK, but I haven't been able to find a link. 

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Thanks again, Warren. This is a good start.

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