Question: How do we confirm the current version of the software?

quencher is asking a question about spectral-workbench
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by quencher | December 04, 2017 16:45 | #15295

The Spectral Workbench wiki implies that the current version is 2.0 beta, but is that correct? Is the current version 2.0 beta, not beta, or something else?

Thank you!


Hi! We're on v2.1.x -- we haven't released a new version but the latest main branch here is what's running on

Thanks! Or are you wondering about the JavaScript library that's a sub-component:

Thank you, that's exactly what I need!

Cool! what are you interested in doing with it? I'm the lead developer, very happy to work with you!

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Hi Warren, we're testing the flow of multiple fluids using dye solutions. We're total amateurs. Any ideas or references you could point us at? Characterizing Fluid Flow for Dummies?

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