Public Lab Research note

MapKnitter map of Prairie Island One

by jkpetter | August 29, 2016 15:09 29 Aug 15:09 | #13404 | #13404

Pole Mapping of Prairie Island: Trial One Difficulties: maintaining consistent angle, perspective, lighting, scale Technique: 3-4 images from plot edges Overall Goal: Identify Plant species, monitor growth overtime, emerging species placement Uses: cross reference for ground level survey/ assay techniques


Hi Durham peeps! Do you want any help stitching this map?

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neat! a few of us have been experimenting with taking a series of "donut" or circular panoramas at set points.

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Hi Liz! Yes, could we have a guest in the next few weeks with you?

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Sure! Also we should ask if anyone else in the grassrootsmapping group would like to be "armchair" support with your team.

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Thanks @mathew! I will try this method out, looks good for helping to maintain uniformity!

Hello @Liz and @TaraMei I would love some insight and guidance, this would be awesome!

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Hi @jkpetter,

It looks like a lot of your pole aerial photos are oblique (angled). If your goal is to make a map of the prairie area, photos taken with the camera always pointed straight down will be much easier to stitch together. Such nadir photos avoid much of the perspective distortion of oblique photos and can be more easily stitched into planar orthophoto images. If photos are taken throughout the seasons, different orthophotos (aerial map images) can be more easily compared to each other, especially if the same control markers (rocks, stakes) appear in each map.

One easy way to ensure that the camera always points down is to suspend it from the pole with a hanging rod or stiffly flexible tubing, but there are other ways to get mostly nadir photos. Here are some research notes with photos and video of some DIY gadgets for controlling the angle of pole photos:


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Good morning @cfastie,

Thank you for the insight and recommendations! Will give that a shot at max height on the pole!


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