What Does It Do?
WebJack is a wired, bidirectional data link between the Arduino Uno and your phone, established via headphone jack. It uses two distinct frequencies for a modem-like serial transmission of data. WebJacks runs in the browser and its goal is to provide a way to read sensors without the burden to install native applications. Look for recent updates on Public Lab here.
This is a list of community-generated guides for specific applications and the development of WebJack. These activities can be categorized, and some may be more reproduced -- or reproducible -- than others. Try them out to build your skills, and help improve them by leaving comments. Together, we can repeat and refine the activities into experiments.
Activity grid
Purpose | Category | Status | Author | Time | Difficulty | Replications |
WebJack: Testers needed! | build | - | @rmeister | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Visualize live sensor data with p5js and an Arduino | - | - | @warren | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Serial communication via headphone jack | dev | - | @rmeister | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
WebJack progress | dev | - | @rmeister | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
WebJack: Test without Arduino | build | - | @rmeister | - | - | 0 replications: Try it » |
Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
May i know more about how exactly this will this work? | @jradheshyam96 | over 6 years ago | 0 | 0 |
Can we use WebJack as a JavaScript - Serial bridge? | @warren | about 7 years ago | 0 | 0 |
WebJack is an open source client-side JavaScript library that acts as audio modem. It is built for use with SoftModem, the Arduino-side code. For example, with WebJack you can transmit:
- data as text
- binary data
- Firmata RPC messages
We're working to refine and improve WebJack on a number of fronts; here, take a look at the leading challenges we're hoping to solve, and post your own.
Be sure to add:
- constraints: expense, complexity
- goals: performance, use cases
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
Can we use WebJack as a JavaScript - Serial bridge? | @warren | about 7 years ago | 0 | 0 |
Build a data link with WebJack
Instructions on the circuit and software needed for WebJack can be found here: