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Williamsburg is part of New York City and the Northeast region.

El Puente

El Puente's Green Light District (GLD) is a strategic ten-year initiative to sustain, grow, green, and celebrate Williamsburg’s Southside community. At a time when communities across New York City are facing rapid changes that threaten to destabilize our neighborhoods, the Green Light District seeks to flip the disempowerment of gentrification and put the power of transformation in the hands of its residents and stakeholders. The Green Light District seeks to build equity and sustainability through connecting residents to each other, socially and culturally; sharing knowledge and resources across the neighborhood through partnerships, coalitions, and alliances; improving access to public resources; and building leadership in the community to carry our collective goals forward.


community science in williamsburg's southside

Our goal of sharing knowledge and resources through partnerships, coalitions, and alliances aligns well with Public Lab. This community science infrastructure can help our residents tell their urban environmental stories.

Our first experiment with aerial imagery

April 29, 2014: We planned for 9th grade science students from El Puente Academy to bring a balloon camera around to 4 community gardens.

It was rainy and windy:


Just a couple very blurry garden photos:




