Which Cuvettes for Spectroscopy are optically the best suited for the job?
Fused Silica Quartz cuvette or UV Plastic Disposable cuvettes?
I am presenting this as a Wiki page because I am making no final conclusions about this study, concerning the optical difference between quartz (fused silica) cuvettes and UV plastic disposable cuvettes.
This study is directly and subsequently connected to my research notes on using Ethyl Acetate as a primary solvent for sample preparation concerning Crude oils and refined oils as well. I am trying to find the best solvent that will homogenize with the samples but will have the least impact on the data. ie,. buffer solutions.
Most of my work for the past 3 months plus, have a bigger picture in mind and are two fold, one is I need to continue doing quality control checks on my spectrometer prototype 4.2 (build 4.0.1) so as to collect data, that is meaningful and relevant. Two, my primary goal is to design a field check system that anyone can use to detect oil in water at the PPM level, that is easy to operate, durable and reliable.
The excitation light source for this series was a 410nm UV high power 1W LED. The dimensions for both cuvettes are:
UV plastic disposable cuvette- window dimensions are 4.5 x 23 mm. The W x H x D dimensions are 12.5 x 45 x 12.5mm. uv plastic 10cm path length.
UV Quartz cuvette- Outside Dimensions. 45mm × 12.5mm × 12.5mm. quartz 10cm path length
Below are the plots comparing all 5 solvents in the Quartz and Plastic cuvettes.
I will be doing this study again in the future using glass cuvettes and comparing them to the plastic disposable ones, I hope the data shows that the disposable cuvettes are as adequate as the more expensive glass or quartz because it is far more convenient to use the disposables than always having to scrub and clean the other ones.
Ref: http://publiclab.org/notes/dhaffnersr/05-05-2016/using-potassium-bromide-kbr-in-uv-vis-spectroscopy