Public Lab Wiki documentation

Geo Storytelling

This is a revision from November 04, 2019 19:46. View all revisions
1 | 17 | | #21104

Welcome! Public Lab is developing a number of community mapping projects, and we would love your input.

Collaborations with both One Cranston and the Brown University Superfund Research Program are leading towards interactive maps where you can add your own story.

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OneCranston is collecting stories and reflections by the Cranston community about the history of the area, from memories of the Cranston Print Works site to old family photographs.

Socio-Ecological City Project

Brown University researchers have collected a database of past and currently active industrial sites in Rhode Island, and are looking for community observations and stories related to these sites.

Add your story

Related work

This work comes out of an ongoing collaboration and has engaged the OneCranston project as a partner.

More updates

This work is the result of a collaborative project between Public Lab and Brown University's Superfund Research Project, and was made possible with the support of ... (section unfinished)


This site is under development, and we would love your feedback; please use the form below. Thank you!