Public Lab Wiki documentation


This is a revision from November 02, 2011 20:22. View all revisions
3 | 6 | | #535

November 2 meeting: Mat, Jeff, Adam

GM Forum Kickstarter launch @ thanksgiving (MONDAY, 11/21)

  • stickers + T-shirts for sale
  • mention in video kits are coming
  • 1st week of december, spectrometer, balloon kits for sale.

GM Forum printing-- December 10th ish? (leaving 4 days printing 10 days for shipping before xmas)

Mathew: Leading on getting Now objects up and printed and available, will get in touch with Christina @ Breadpig

Jeff: Leading on getting Soon objects up, starting storyboarding

Adam: Leading on getting legal clearance for what we can offer on Kickstarter

When to talk next about how going to get GM Forum done? Discuss plan on staff call friday 11/4

Salable items

Fulfillment: $3.50 per item through Amplitude/Breadpig


  • T-shirts (grey map squares) - $7 printing, $7 shipping, contact Zoo City, get rolling
    • Start working on balloon rising T-shirt along back-- shannon’s design.
  • Stickers - $5, we get $1.50


Jeff taking lead with Spectrometer as our first case study with Parts & Crafts

GM Forum Kickstarter launch @ thanksgiving (MONDAY, 11/21)

GMF workflow:

  • divide up grid, pass out google docs to contributors.
  • How do we launch GM Forum all at once, with retail-- i.e. donation levels from GM Forum up to balloon and spectrometer kits.

Adam- don’t lose gifts that are donations to our organization that are tax-deductible, this is our big push and make it clear that we can receive donations.

Are people “backers” also members of PLOTS?

  • reward can be “membership” -- find out legally what “membership” means
  • “membership” vs. being part of the Plots community? - “member of the plots ….” - use Kickstarter’s “backers”, makes people seem like “investors” -- rather than charity-givers/donaters

Kit development

Kites, not ready for retail by end of November, but design should be finalized, sales possible by mid-Dec?


Retail & Sales

Are we creating educational packages, ready to order? do we want to supply schools (one satellite per child pack?)


  • how much are we willing to engage factories? should we rely on only DIY?
  • balloon designs, spectrometer, etc.


  • look for sponsors?

sourcing balloons, kites, retail partnerships

  • Amazon
  • storefronts


  • maps by order, prints


  • t-shirts, jackets, etc. can we make something actually stylish? where would you wear a map?