Public Lab Wiki documentation

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Post an event

This is a revision from March 16, 2017 14:04. View all revisions
15 | 49 | | #9772

« Back to Events

Anyone may host a Public Lab event -- it's a great way to get a local community of Public Labbers together, even just for a meet-and-greet. With over 8,000 members worldwide, it's likely that you live near some of them! Ask on a local discussion list if anyone's interested in helping organize it, and feel free to reach out to the organizers group for support!

Posting your event

To post an event, visit Use the Templates dropdown menu to choose Post an Event. You will see the headers change in the form:


Posting your event on a place page

To easily connect an event with a particular place, go to the relevant place page (view all current places here: and look in the left sidebar for the "Post an Event" button. When you use this button, your event will be posted and properly tagged.

For instance, in the screenshot below, notice the URL at the top and the tags at the bottom containing the place name:


Advanced: If you have recently created a new place page and wish to add event listings and a "Post an Event" button to your left sidebar, tag your page with events:theregionname, for example events:gulf-coast. If you have questions, email

Google calendar for events

We also have a Google calendar viewable on page. To have your event appear on this calendar, email

How to host an event

Want some advice on hosting an event -- how to reach people, what to provide, how long it should be, etc? We have several event guides in development, notably:


Track your event

If you hold a local event, please use this form to tell the non-profit arm of Public Lab about it! If you submit multiple events and would ever like to get a summary, simply email Thanks!