Public Lab Wiki documentation

New Projects

This is a revision from October 02, 2013 19:37. View all revisions
5 | 20 | | #9388

Five points from Public Lab on starting a community-based technology development project:

Lots of people have been interested in using the Public Lab network as a platform to build a DIY environmental science tool, and we've found this checklist to be a good starting point for such collaborations.

  • Start by writing to the main Public Lab mailing list to introduce your problem or idea
  • Try posting to our "requests" board with a request for collaborators (link forthcoming)
  • Create a Tool wiki page to introduce your project and explain the environmental or health concern you're investigating
  • Share your work in Research Notes with a consistent tag so people can follow your work as it develops
  • Create a “plots-projectname” mailing list as your group of collaborators grows, so that others can take part

Staff support

Once you've completed the above, we're happy to help, but given our limited staff resources, we ask that you post a minimum of three research notes, and try to bring ten or more people together on a mailing list, at which point we can potentially provide the following:

  • Mentorship sit-down sessions
  • Listing your mailing list on the Public Lab mailing list page
  • Helping you grow your community through matchmaking
  • Assistance on joint fundraising for tutorials, tool assembly diagrams, videos, research supplies, community workshops and software for processgind data from the hardware
  • Assistance and advice with tool manufacturing and distribution