Public Lab Wiki documentation


This is a revision from March 09, 2011 17:27. View all revisions
3 | 14 | | #141

MapMill is our tool for sorting imagery produced with balloon mapping.

It takes hours to go through the thousands of images we're capturing from balloons and kites, to pick out the best ones for inclusion in our free and open source maps. Help us by choosing the sharpest, clearest, best images.

Planning & proposed features

  • make mapmill able to rename sites -- also in database
  • make mapmill able to store links to all formats
  • display lowest vote count for a mapmill site, and average votecount
  • offer to "stash" site
  • paginate the full site display
  • allow sorting within just one set, sort by rank or time(original order)
  • tag sites "gulf coast" etc, and .org/sort/gulf-coast/ should let you sort just that tag
  • use AJAX to load a new image
  • put all other information in the sidebar so its out of the way
  • change link to buy posters, or donate to PLOTS

Long-term goals & features

  • add a map of the site so you can make a guess where it fits, and possible use of a base map to assess the quality of a particular image
  • add a link to open the photo in Cartagen Knitter