Public Lab Wiki documentation

Map archive

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Maps: open data from balloon and kite photography

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Barataria Site ABH1. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 2
Barataria Site ABH2. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABH3. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABH5-East. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABH5. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABM4. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABN5. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABL4. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site ABM5. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 1
Barataria Site BN4. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site BL3. Barataria Bay, Louisiana. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Gowanus Canal June 2013. Brooklyn, New York. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Sarnen. Sarnen, Switzerland. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Consegi 2013. Esaf, Lago Sul, Brasília - Federal District, Brazil. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Karnataka Tower View. Bangalore, India. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Barataria Site BH3. Barataria, Louisiana @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 2
Arnold Arboretum. Boston, Massachusetts @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Corn Maze 2013. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
1938 North Shore Little Neck. Ipswich, Massachusetts. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Boston City Hall Plaza. Boston, Massachusetts. @gonzoearth about 10 years ago 0
Greenfest. Boston, Massachusetts @gonzoearth over 10 years ago 0
Phats Valley Truro, Massachusetts. @gonzoearth over 10 years ago 0
Little Neck, Ipswich, Massachusetts @gonzoearth over 10 years ago 0
Great Neck, Ipswich, Massachusetts @gonzoearth over 10 years ago 0

View all maps at #map-archive

Do-It-Yourself "satellite" imagery

These maps were largely made by taking photos from balloons and kites, a technique adopted and refined by Public Lab contributors. Make one yourself and it can be featured here.

A grassroots data archive

This archive represents the collective work of our community to provide an alternative source for aerial imagery, and to highlight issues of environmental and social concern with Do-It-Yourself tools. The archive provides:

  • A permanent, backed up archive
  • A place to advocate around your data
  • A space to discuss and understand the maps

How to contribute

Most of the maps in this archive were made in MapKnitter, a free and open source tool created by Public Lab contributors to turn aerial photos into maps.

To add your open source map to the archive, provide some background and to tell the story of your map in a note, then tag it with map-archive. Creative Commons and Public Domain maps are both accepted.