Public Lab Wiki documentation

How any one can participate in the Public Lab community

This is a revision from January 16, 2013 20:25. View all revisions
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(This is a preview of the dashboard for non members) IMG_3971

How you can participate:

Join the online community

Attend Regional Events

Attend All Upcoming Events

Share online through social media

Attend our Annual Barn Raising Event

Describe what the heck a barn raising is, why you do it , the outcomes and that it's open ot the public.

Read or Subscribe to Grassroots Mapping Forum

Grassroots Mapping Forum Spreads

  • [[| Subscribe ]] Grassroots Mapping Forum is our quarterly printed community research journal/archive/zine/map, where we hope to share ideas, techniques, and stories from the Grassroots Mapping community. (For those of you who don't know, we are a community of activist cartographers who use DIY tools for civic science -- we take aerial photos using kites and balloons of things like the BP oil spill.)

Participate in Research

Use the Viral Licenses

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