Harvey Images
This draft page is attempting to create a workflow for people to identify reportable issues captured in aerial photography of Harvey-affected areas, specifically industrial sites.
Steps to report
Here we're organizing the required steps. We can make each into an activity later, and begin doing more outreach.
Compile sites
- Go through lists of at-risk sites and compile lists for sites in TX that are obviously worrisome--oil refineries, sewage, nuclear etc.
Main source: Surging Seas: Risk Finder (you have to click the xls icon near the report area for this)
Add other sources here too.
Add them here (you'll need to be logged in) - or we should create a shared google spreadsheet for them?:
[prompt:Add site here]
Compile image sources
See question compiling image sources here
Image sources:
(add sources here too!)
Compare to aerial images
Check through images from image sources for these locations and check if they are flooded--in some cases you can see sheen or waste
* His images have meta data with GPS aligned with plane location, so it won't be perfect--might have to search a bit
* If you find something that looks flooded or suspicious write down a simple report like on a spreadsheet
* Make sure to do a screen capture of the footage to attach to report
* We send all data back to Scott since it involves his photos (in his work this can amount to lawsuits for companies)
videoexplaining, maybe, what could be done https://youtu.be/O2bV1a1gNfA
master sheet of links https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12ZMti2lH4sST6Apzp_DeCQld4z4ioTmm7LdFiF8fK4A/edit#gid=1
Source information for facilities
map of these data
noaa imagery to scan: harvey