Public Lab Wiki documentation


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On this page the German Public Lab Enthusiasts organize themselves.

Here you can find like-minded people and suggest ideas for joint projects, events, etc.

People who are involved

What are we working on now:

Event series: Basics of environmental citizen sciences in Schwerin (in planning)

  • Organizer: @niklasjordan
  • include developing a fine dust sensor with Arduino
  • Partnerships (in planning): BUND (environmental organization) & Hacklabor (local FabLab)

Project ideas

You have ideas for joint projects? Then write something here.

Activities of German Public Lab community

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Nothing yet on the topic "germany" -- be the first to post something!

Purpose Category Status Author Time Difficulty Replications
Nothing yet on the topic "germany" -- be the first to post something!

Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.