If you're interested in our ongoing effort to provide good documentation on our collaborative works, we'll be doing a website 'gardening' session on Thursday December 22, and coordinating in real-time in this public chatroom:
We'll need people who are interested in editing/proofreading pages, people who have worked on tools and can help write short tutorials or upload helpful imagery, etc.
Pitch in and help make our open source science documentation a bit more accessible!
If you're revising a tool or place page, take a look at these templates for what kind of information is relevant:
If you are part of a local PLOTS chapter, this is a good chance to get your pages up to date with the latest happenings!
- providing good background summaries for every tool
- offering contextual information for every place page (for local PLOTS chapters)
- making tool pages informative and helpful for newcomers who want to try making a tool
- offering places for people to start contributing to a project (a "where we need help" section for each project)
- generally illustrating the work we've all done to date in a coherent way
- move sub-tools into wiki pages, like stereo camera and telemetry kit
- provide consistent and thorough intro and "getting involved" and "getting started" info on each tool page, maybe each place page
- list who's "keeper" for each tool/place page?
- open hardware licensing for tools
- clean up pages - create a Tool page template -
- Context, need
- Concise desc. of tool
- Parts and price list
- Goals, next steps towards them
- create formating for pages--research notes and data analysis
- interlink related pages
document collaborators
... add your own stuff here
Checklist for tools and places
Put your name by what you're working on, and/or delete it once it's done.
- Thermal photography
- Balloon mapping (Stewart)
- Spectrometer (Jeff)
- Near-infrared camera
- Roomba toxin mapping
- Hydrogen sulfide sensing
Environmental estrogen testing
New York City (Liz)
- Gulf Coast
- Providence
- Somerville (jeff)
- WCU (shannon)
- Texas
- Santiago (shannon)
- Sumava (shannon)
- Butte
- Portland (shannon)