Public Lab Wiki documentation


This is a revision from November 26, 2014 21:51. View all revisions
15 | 113 | | #327

Become a Public Lab Sustaining Member today!

Did you know that Public Lab is an open community supported by a nonprofit? Show your commitment to empowered, healthy communities by becoming a Sustaining Member. Let us say thank you for your support and help in spreading awareness of our mission with our Sustaining Members-only gear. When your friends and co-workers see your Public Lab t-shirt or pocket notebook, they’ll want one too!

Memberships are valid for one year and priced in USD. All membership dues will be used to support the Public Lab mission. Public Lab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

Donate to Public Lab

Want to support Public Lab but not ready to become a Sustaining Member yet? Click the button below to donate. Every dollar helps!

Matching Gifts

Lots of great companies will match their employees' gifts to charitable organizations, effectively doubling or tripling your donation. Check with your HR office to see if your company has a matching gifts program. Contact Becki with question at


Become a Corporate Sponsor

Each Corporate Sponsorship is customizable. Please contact Development Manager, Becki Chall, at for more information on these opportunities.

Corporate Sponsorships opportunities include:

  • General organization sponsorship
  • Environmental Tech Clinic sponsorship
  • Public Lab Incubator sponsorship
  • Local/site sponsorship
  • Expedition or workshop sponsorship
  • Barnraising/Conference sponsorship
  • In-kind tool and supply sponsorships

Sponsorship benefits may include:

  • Your organization name/logo on a Public Lab tool page, in a tool's printed documentation, or on the device itself as produced by the Kits Initiative.
  • Use of Public Lab tools in your promotions

For information on any of the opportunities list above, please contact Development Manager, Becki Chall at or by calling 504.358.0647.

Public Lab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

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