A resources collecting page for Hurricane Irma response; we are not an emergency service provider, but non-emergency questions, requests, inquiries, report-ins, offers of help or capacity are welcome.
What is this page?
The purpose of this page is to amplify requests emerging from local community organizations, especially those that work with communities that are bearing the burden of the storm more than others, and many of whom primarily coordinate over the phone or through Facebook groups.
- Florida/Georgia relief efforts here: http://irmaresponse.org/
- if you are not affected by the storm and are looking to help support some of the technical challenges and projects surrounding Irma response, visit http://bit.do/irmastart to join the slack and see active projects.
- Join Open Call every Tuesday 3pm ET / 2pm Central to discuss https://publiclab.org/wiki/open-call
- For reference, here's the Harvey wiki: https://publiclab.org/wiki/harvey
Posting asks + offers
We are happy to feature report-ins from folks involved in Harvey response on this page -- you can post them here. If there are specific asks or offers, what works best is to break those out as concrete questions, such as:
- we need help with X?
- does anyone need X?
That way we can get people connected up, whether they want to pitch in or they have information you need -- Public Lab's network spans over 10k people.
Weekly Open Call
Public Lab hosts a weekly public call, and we are happy to offer this as a space for coordinating efforts and inquiries on Harvey response. Calls happen at 2pm CT / 3pm ET on Tuesdays
Call-in information is at: https://publiclab.org/wiki/open-call and https://pad.publiclab.org/p/opencall
Please add your name and/or comments there, even if you can't join, and we'll do our best to connect the dots.
Notes from these calls will be listed here:
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
Nothing yet on the topic "irma-calls" -- be the first to post something! |
Help organize this page
Help organize this content! We're drafting new content/revisions for this page on the Talk page, at https://publiclab.org/talk/irma
Please post questions (requests and/or asking if your offer of capacity is needed) relevant to Harvey here:
Title | Author | Updated | Likes | Comments |
Are there maps/tools for finding potential pollution sites for Puerto Rico? | @zengirl2 | over 7 years ago | 1 | 1 |
Should Flooded Hazardous Sites Still Be Reported if EPA Already Has Info? | @zengirl2 | over 7 years ago | 1 | 2 |
Where are people compiling lists of potential pollution sites following Hurricane Irma? | @stevie | over 7 years ago | 1 | 10 |
How do I identify an oil sheen or spill or slick in aerial photography? | @warren | over 7 years ago | 1 | 1 |
How MIT Is Using Social Media to Map Hurricane Flooding | @zengirl2 | over 7 years ago | 1 | 0 |
How do I share lots (gigabytes, or thousands) of photos online, cheaply and easily? | @warren | over 7 years ago | 1 | 1 |
What is the best way to formalize connecting needs with offers? | @bsugar | over 7 years ago | 3 | 4 |
- Volunteer Florida https://www.volunteerflorida.org
- Feeding Florida https://www.feedingflorida.org
- Florida Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) https://flvoad.community.org
At time of writing, Barbuda has been hit very hard, Puerto Rico avoided a direct hit but ~1M people are without power, many without water as a corollary. Paths heading toward the east coast of Florida for Sunday September 9th morning.
lead image from wunderground