GSoC 2015
Spectral Workbench
Web-based tools for collecting, analyzing, and sharing data from a DIY spectrometer - Issue tracker:
- a revamp of the macros system
- a redesign of the matching interface
- a redesign of the analysis tools
- anything marked "easy" in the tracker
Upload your own aerial images, position (rubbersheet) them in a web interface over existing map data, and share via web or composite and export for print - Issue tracker:
- more advanced tools for map base layers
- finer control over which images are exported
- commenting and email notifications for maps
- multiple image selection
- point matching and display during image dragging (hard)
- image reordering
- one more more issues tagged "gsoc" in the MapKnitter repository
- debugging of image display at low zoom levels
- any bugs/issues in the Leaflet.DistortableImage library
A web application for producing NDVI and other composites from DIY multispectral cameras - Issue tracker:
- openid authentication via the openid provider
- Offline functionality (via HTML5 manifest) for in-the-field use (partially completed already)
- Commenting, tagging, and RSS feeds for images
The website - a collaborative research sharing platform and wiki - Issue tracker:
- Markdown alternatives/Rich text editing
- search function overhaul
- profile page improvements via profile tagging
- event RSVP without requiring an account
- any bugs/issues marked as "easy" or really any issues in the plots2 tracker
A Hot-or-Not styled crowdsourcing engine for sorting raw map imagery - Issue tracker: