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tbartholomew989 "My  teams collection of microplastics along the Mississippi River was not what I had imagined. I had hoped that dipping the BabyLegs in the water w..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
TyJon "My experience with the message of the Mississippi is that our water is really more polluted than we think it really is. During building our bottles..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
J_aidaM "Artist Statement/4/8/22 - Jaida Manson This is my group's project board and bottle. The bottle that is in the picture is the original design but i..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
tbartholomew989 "I am Timothy Bartholomew and what had me interested was their are possible health effects are a cause of concern, although we still know little abo..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
tbartholomew989 "This is Timothy Bartholomew and my definition of microplastics are Microplastics are fragments of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters across that ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
klanoix61 "Our bottle and poster board came out great, i'd say it was a fun project to do. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
chall0105 "Caleb Hall- 4/7/2022 For my group's poster, we focused on the earth’s biodiversity and the number of species that currently exist, as well as how m..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
Andrew2005 "Andrew Smith 4/7/2022 Evaporation, Precipitation, Condensation, and Sublimation are all factors to the water cycle. In my group’s project we tried..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
adison1cooper "Adison Cooper 4/7/22 While creating our projects’ representative bottle, my group chose to focus on the impacts of microplastics on our drinking w..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
Evergarden "Christian Carter - 4/7/2022 - Cycle: Evaporation – Sublimation – Precipitation – Condensation In my group, we gathered numerous microplastics and ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
carlo2005 " This was our poster and bottle of the project. We aimed at bringing awareness to recycling since the placement of trash is what begins the polluti..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
chall0105 "Caleb Hall- 4/5/2022- Today in Mr. Phillips' Environmental Science class, me and two other classmates were grouped up and tasked with creating a p..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
amcreecy "4/4/2022 To get my own aquifer I would have to enter a 60-day notice to the DNR. Next, I would need an inspector to check my yard and areas around ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
chall0105 "Caleb Hall- 4/4/2022- Steps for a homeowner to apply and obtain a groundwater well: 1: Submission of notification of construction, up to..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
kayliefolgar1704 "Ghost Fishing: There are many problems pertaining to the dangers of marine life. Many people liter in the oceans that put the marine life at risk ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
TyJon "The mission, Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles, is operating to lessen the vulnerability of the Seychelles to weather chan..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
LyricR "Lyric Rousseve 4/4/22 “Ghost Fishing,” catching deceased fish or fishing in the absence of fish. Not too long ago I seen a video of a turtle havin..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
vscott2731 "Chandler Lamonte 4/4/2022 Mangroves are very important to environments and help us to filter out air. The issue is many mangroves have been dying ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
vscott2731 "Victoria Scott April 4th, 2022 Our Oceans Are Haunted Saying that oceans may be haunted may sound creepy and truth be told, IT IS. The term ghos..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
TyJon "Farming for Life The mission, Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles, is operating to lessen the vulnerability of the Seychell..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
madison124tc "Ghost fishing is fishing gear that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean, that can trap and kill marine life. Fishing gear that’s been lost or aban..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
Andrew2005 "Evaporation is the transition from water to water vapor. District 1- Served 12,577 people Water Source is surface water ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
adison1cooper "Adison Cooper 4/1/22 St. John Water District 1: Population: 12,577 System Source/Primary Source: Surface Water St. John Water District 2: Pop..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
amcreecy "Evaporation is water that has turned into gas. anya creecy 4/1/22 District 1- the water system source is surface water and has served 12577 people...." | Read more » over 2 years ago