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WaterGeek "Anyone have a translation for this? would like to collect water quality data at a few locations for a project I'm working on. " | Read more » over 6 years ago
bacelarhenrique "Hi, I'm making a project just like this to a professor in my college. I need to make a welder to join thermocouples. I clicked in the link to Githu..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cfastie "Here is another way to weld thermocouples: I'm not sure which method is more resp..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
kinasmith "@KathleenSmart, I never got to the point of fully documenting the build process. They still need some work. Redesigning the sensor body so that it ..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
KathleenSmart "This is great, @kinasmith. I took a look at the links, good stuff there too. Have you developed these dendrometers any further, and/or can you sh..." | Read more » almost 7 years ago
cfastie "Do you have access to an Arduino to try with the DHT21? You might be able to confirm that the sensor is working or learn that the sensor is the pro..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
kinasmith "@aldehyde Thanks for reaching out! I'm still working on this project but would be super excited to get it into more hands for research. I should ha..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
aldehyde "Hello, dear friend! It is very interesting work. I am teacher and researcher in plant physiology. When you will ending you prototype, tell me, plea..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
kinasmith "There is some more info about the background for this project here:" | Read more » over 7 years ago
vwls "Really awesome work, thanks for sharing! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Wow, this is really impressive! Do you have design files and/or a bill of materials you're interested in sharing? " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
mathew "looks great and usefull. I made a very, very dangerous and poor quality spot welder in high school by chaining the capacitors found in disposable c..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
cfastie "That graph looks like a sketch of what would happen if you made a mistake. " | Read more » about 8 years ago
kinasmith "How I'm doing it now is holding the two thermocouple wires in a pair of locking hemostats connected to the ground terminal of the welder. There is ..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
cfastie "Nice job mitigating those surprise electrocutions. Keep it up. How does the weld actually work? What is the blob of "new" metal (the weld) made fr..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
dhaffnersr "Ha, this is very cool, its like a turbo charged tack welder! " | Read more » about 8 years ago
reza7232 "HI. I'm from IRAN. I want a board for convert current output of o2_a2 sensor from uA to mA . i don't access to your board in my country. because..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
sathvik "HI kensanfran, I have used the TI AFE LMP91000 for 4-electrode gas sensor design with an external gain for the transimpedance amplifier. For the 4t..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
kensanfran "Hello, Sorry just noticed this post. I've been collecting my links and references on this DIY gas sensor calibration page of my wiki. I'm also tin..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "This is a good example of how the spectrum of incident light influences the NDVI of a scene. Leaves reflect about 10 times more NIR than red, but i..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
aldehyde " I used of Mobius infragam cam (red filter) in Grow Chamber. Light - RED and BLUE (3:1) LED. As I understand this is due to lack of NIR and lot ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "I answered Mnzr's question here:!topic/plots-infrared/HfowVn5ULFM " | Read more » over 8 years ago
mnzr "@cfastie Hello I'm working on a project in which we see how a person's exposure to plants affects them. Currently we have a wearable sensor with th..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "The red filter in your Mobius is blocking most blue light but passing most of the NIR light in the scene. The blue channel receives little other vi..." | Read more » over 8 years ago