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mathew "I'm also looking at using stickypads. just tape catching particles. I wonder if we could run 5" tape disks in a DVD drive? " | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "woah. that CD idea is great! the biggest issue with particle monitoring is getting the particle counts measured in mircrograms/cu meter. " | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Looks like it has kind of been done elsewhere for a slightly different purpose: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2011/LC/c0lc00451k " | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "You know what... I'm looking at this image here and can't help but think we could repurposed some old CD drives. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pa..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Sure. Someone I was speaking to recently was talking about the turbidity of water being an indicator of particulate matter. I wonder if there is ..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "that's in beta too. I"m thinking more inline with the dustduino or Speck's cheap sensors, only with more controlled airflow. both really need corr..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Edit: I just realised it is the Alima that does particle sensing. My apolpgies. Netatmo tries to work our Air Quality as a whole & that is with..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "hmmm. i can't find their particle sensor. is there a standard sensor format for these things or are they all unique? " | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "The weather station we have does let you plug in new sensors - the issue would be that it wouldn't display on the display - as that is limited to w..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "I'm interested in piggybacking particle sensors onto weather stations-- does yours let you plug in new sensors? existing commercial sensors are us..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
btbonval "Thanks Amy. It'd be great if you could edit this note to show us a screenshot or two of the web page after it is up and running, just to demonstrat..." | Read more » about 10 years ago