Infragram Filters

The Infragram project has used a variety of filters to make Do-It-Yourself infrared cameras, as well as infrared-visible multispectral cameras. This page is about choosing filters for different purposes. **** ## Red vs Blue Both blue and red filters are intended to block most visible light in one channel, to then use that channel for near-infrared light. This way, a single camera can be used to take simultaneous visible light and near-infrared light photos -- one in the red channel, one in the blue channel (we discard the green channel). **Most recent DIY efforts on Public Lab have focused on red filters**, but early on we used blue filters. A red filter (the most common conversion we see on Public Lab as of October 2017) results in vegetation appearing pale blue, and a blue filter typically results in vegetation appearing pale yellow. _Left: pale blue from a RED filter; Right: pale yellow from a BLUE filter. Images by @mathew and [Eclectis students]( [![](/system/images/photos/000/018/533/thumb/Rosco_26_filtered.JPG)(/system/images/photos/000/018/533/original/Rosco_26_filtered.JPG) [![](]( ### Background on filter choice There's a lot of research about this choice here: [notes:red-vs-blue] **** ## Filter sources We've been using Rosco theater gels as filters, and we currently [carry the red Rosco Fire # 19 in the Public Lab store]( Red filters include: * Rosco Fire # 19 Blue filters include: * Rosco # 2007 * Rosco # 87 Also see this research on various Rosco filters: [notes:rosco] And the Rosco website: And an article on the history of Rosco filters: **** ## Exposed negative film To make a camera take **only** near-infrared photos, you can use a piece of exposed negative film as a filter. This will block most visible light (since the red, green, and blue channels are blocked) but will allow infrared light. ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
sujayj "Thanks Chris " | Read more » over 7 years ago
cfastie "You can use any filter that blocks most blue and green light (all visible light other than red) and also passes a lot of near infrared light (somew..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
LaPa "I'm happy for this my first step in NIR and NDVI photograph! Maybe you know but ..... 1) I use not a real camera but a computer board (Raspberry Pi..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "That looks pretty good. With the defaults in the photo monitoring plugin, the plant leaves have an NDVI value around 0.3. We don't know what the ND..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "HI, What do you think about my last test? NoIR modulo cam+blue filter, WBgain red = 0.88 and WBgain blue = 0.57 " | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "I'll try to get blue > 30 and red < 200 changing the gain. At the moment I do not know how change the exposure. May be I have to read better ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "Here is the range of NIR:VIS ratios for NDVI values between 0.2 and 0.8. " | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "That looks promising. I guess that PiCamera module is a useful tool. I think that photo is a little too yellow. The blue values for foliage are ver..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "Hi, I'm here again! I shoot a set of pictures by NoIR modulo cam and blue filter. I tryed finally different white balance. The photo that I post i..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "The Bayer filters determine how wavelengths are separated into the three color channels. This is how the camera can sense the balance between the t..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
poo "this green photo don't Relevance to Bayer pattern Mr. @cfastie ? " | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "Black surfaces do not reflect much light, but they do reflect some. Some black surfaces might reflect more green than other colors, and other black..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
poo "hi. I have a question. when I set a black paper or black thing in custom white balance, and then i take a photo, why my photo become a green photo?..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "ok, i have to solve some problems of remote link of the Raspberry before taking other photos. And, of course, I have to buy a red filter because th..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "LaPa, yes that would be very useful. It would also be useful if someone could do that with a red filter on the NoIR. Blue should be exaggerated whe..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "Hi Chris thank you for the suggestions! Do you think would it be a good idea take a set of photos (NoIR camera + blue filter) of the plant graduall..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "Those basil leaves should not be the same color as the flower pot. They need to be more orange. To get NDVI values in the appropriate range, the va..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "At the moment I took a photo two plants in sunny light. But I didn't manage to take another without gain because it became cloudy :(. Is it possib..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "Thank you cfastie, I seem that your post encourages me to keep on this way; I ask confirmation about this. Do you have any idea how to modify the p..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "That orange color of the leaves is promising. It should be even oranger. If you can put the plant in brighter outdoor light and take two photos -- ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "anyway I try awbg. I wrote in the terminal "raspistill -awb off -awbg 0.88,0.97 and I took a picture of the tester and a two plants. The light was ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "Actually I don't know if it is possible mount two modulo cam in 1 Raspberry because it has just 1 slot to mount a modulo cam. I'll find out more ab..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
cfastie "It is not clear that the other respondents at the Pi forum understand what you are asking about. Using awb_gains will allow every photo to exaggera..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
LaPa "What do you think about this way to proceed? " | Read more » over 8 years ago