Open Pipe Kit

A Pipe is a device that directs the flow of data from a sensor to the place of the Pipe owner's choosing. With Open Pipe Kit it's easy to build Pipes, even for folks who don't program. That means a Pipe will be in the places where you can't always be and you'll always know what is going on. You can send data to Google Sheets, Farm OS,, and many other places. ## Join us! - See for info on how to build your own Pipe - Join the conversation on this project, [join our email group](!forum/open-pipe-kit). ...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
warren "Collecting notes on different sensors here! " | Read more » over 6 years ago
stevie "Hi RJ! Available to join the [OpenHour](] on Data Loggers for environmental monitoring?? It's this coming Monday 1pm ET. ..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
warren "(sorry, i meant i see data on the link at Sparkfun) " | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "For starters, i see some data; was it working at one point and then stopped? And if so, (apologies for a dumb question) what were the things that ..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Great, we have a few options. We could try to connect your Pi up for remote access instead of relaying back and forth, or you could send me your co..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
efuhrm "Yes, I'm using RaspberryPi to run openpipekit, and my device is connected to the internet. " | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Hi! sorry I missed this -- are you using a Raspberry Pi to run OpenPipeKit? If so, are you sure it's well connected to the internet? There could b..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
mathew "the links in this note are broken now-- I think the website upgrade might've doomed them. " | Read more » almost 9 years ago
rjstatic "@chrowe Awesome estimates. I love that utility box. I'll write a longer response later but quick thought... I should maybe reframe this question to..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
chrowe "Scenario 2 (A+ 4 hours/day w/ usb wifi) Uses only 1w total so 4wh/day 4 amp hour battery $8 5 watt solar panel $30 7 amp charge controller $17 ..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
chrowe "The first thought was that we need something to compare this to. What do/would the other lower power options cost for a similar setup? Do we want t..." | Read more » almost 9 years ago
rjstatic "Hi everyone - I posted a big update on the Open Pipe Kit project:" | Read more » about 9 years ago
mathew "awesome! " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Hey @mathew - wrote up a driver for the Dylos - it was very simple, just listening and it returns "0,0" every so often. If there's a manual or some..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "And taking note that for the Thermofisher and the Speck, we're only doing spot readings, not averages. This should change:" | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "And the Speck too: now running. " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Note that I did not zero out the TF, and the vertical scales are wrong. Just very very early testing of the drivers. " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "And over a longer period -- 2/3 of the way through, i lit a piece of paper on fire. " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Thermofisher working! and Leavin..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Mathew also did some good research on the ThermoFisher PDR-1500" | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "We now have live graphs from it -- looking good! " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Here's some data from the Shinyei. We're still interpreting this: " | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "Finishd the OPK Firmata CLI for one-pin readings: @rjstatic and @donblair - pretty useful; basically ..." | Read more » about 9 years ago
warren "So, today I wrote an OPK driver using the Firmata Node library to access an Arduino over the Firmata firmware, but we discovered that the Shinyei n..." | Read more » about 9 years ago