Host a balloon mapping workshop

**Reposted as an activity here:; content below is from April 2013:** **** Want to show others how to make balloon or kite maps? Need help mapping a large site or doing long-term mapping? Want to start a local chapter of balloon mappers? Many PLOTS folks have led workshops; use this page to exchange advice on how to organize and run a balloon mapping workshop. ##First steps## * Get the word out! If this is part of [March Mapping Madness](/madness), you can send that URL and use that page as a informational rallying point * Facebook, Twitter, etc * Compile a list of emails of local interest and say hello * Figure out a good day (preferably morning for low wind) to meet. (try using a [Doodle]( * Ask people what equipment they can bring: not just balloon mapping gear but cameras, gps, maps. If you're mapping on the water, ask if anyone has a boat! * Review the [balloon mapping](/tool/balloon-mapping) and [balloon mapping materials](/wiki/balloon-mapping-materials) pages and be sure you have all the supplies you need * Helium may require ordering more than one day in advance. * How many people can you teach at a workshop? A good rule of thumb is 4-6 people _per mapping kit_, each group should also have at least one person who's mapped before. ##The night before## * Check your checklists! Download checklists and guides here * Print enough [illustrated balloon mapping guides](/wiki/guides) in the right language if it exists * Print out some [Welcome to PLOTS handouts](/wiki/welcome) ##Workshop day## * Hand around a notepad to [sign newcomers up on the mailing list](/wiki/invitations) * Some people like to start by showing [MapKnitter]( so that participants know how the images will be processed ahead of time. Sometimes by the end of the day everyone's too tired to break out a laptop and start stitching images. * Bring and fill out a [Flight Log entry](/wiki/mapping-flight-log) with field notes and key data about your mapping site ##Followup## * Be sure to upload and share the best of the images freely (i.e. under an [open license](/wiki/licenses)) with your new colleagues. Contact to find a place to host them on the Public Lab site (like ...

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