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mathew "I think there are a couple ways to read the straw-on-keel construction detail, I'm not sure either of us got it right the first time. i covered the..." | almost 9 years ago
ecta64 "I did decide to retrofit the keel spars onto my horned Allison kite. I'm now curious to see what performance advantages it might have over one with..." | almost 9 years ago
ecta64 "That looks fantastic!!!!!! Awesome job! This design can get pretty up there in terms of flying angle. Due to some oversight I left out the keel spa..." | almost 9 years ago
mathew " I made and flew a horned allison today! it has a good flying angle, 55+ degrees and very stable. While it hunts for the wind and responds to cha..." | almost 9 years ago
ecta64 "My experience has been quite good in gusty conditions so far. I added a design overview video where you can get a better look at the kite. It pulls..." | almost 9 years ago
mathew "Excellent! I gotta try the scalloped one. Everywhere i fly here in portland is pretty gusty, and I have the same issue with tails getting stuck d..." | almost 9 years ago