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cfastie "My GPS is set to WGS 84. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
cschweik "Chris - fantastic work! Thanks for your labor and good thinking on this. My theory on the offset is that the GPS' could have been using different d..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago
patcoyle "Wow, formidable workflow, but intriguing results.The plug-in showed up on Mac with Firefox and Safari. " | Read more » almost 11 years ago
mathew "hmmm... the attachments are missing from this post. they are still on the old site. I'll file an issue. until then:" | Read more » about 11 years ago
adam-griffith "I'm interested in printing some of these nice panels, but don't know how to use this code. Is the PDF posted somewhere? " | Read more » about 11 years ago
eustatic "Does anyone know why the balloons shrink in the water? " | Read more » almost 12 years ago
eustatic " " | Read more » almost 12 years ago
eustatic "Pictures of actual Placement foot anchor while placing balloons map of actual coming soon " | Read more » almost 12 years ago
eustatic "Good idea, Chris. the color pattern might change, too--perhaps a center line of one color, then alternating rows of different colors? " | Read more » almost 12 years ago
cfastie "Scott, if you inflate the balloons only halfway they might last longer. If that makes them too small, use two or more. The number of balloons cou..." | Read more » almost 12 years ago
mathew "The long hotdog balloons also bring up another great possibility-- coding ground control points via balloon animals. I look forward to matching up ..." | Read more » about 12 years ago
Jasja "Matthew, that is great, thanks. I did not know how to attach documents to the post yet. I've changed the 200 mm error in the script comments. Als..." | Read more » about 12 years ago
mathew "Great idea with the coded ground control points-- I attached the rendered PDFs for folks who aren't comfortable with code, and made a modified vers..." | Read more » about 12 years ago
Juan "Yes, but for technical photography (archeology, for example) I think it's better explain the North. And yes, I am interested. " | Read more » about 12 years ago
Jasja "Thank you Juan, yes, that would be possible, but it would be easiest to use the rectangle, the scale bar, as a north arrow. If you always point it ..." | Read more » about 12 years ago
Juan "Interesting. Is it possible to include a north arrow scale? " | Read more » about 12 years ago