
## What’s a bioindicator? **Bioindicators are organisms (or parts of organisms or communities of organisms) that contain quantitative and/or qualitative information on quality of the environment (or a part of the environment).** **Biomonitors** are a subset of bioindicators that can provide quantitative measurements of environmental quality, which can be compared to results from sensors and instruments. In order to evaluate how contamination exists spatially, sessile (immobile) species are the best. In addition, a good bioindicator species is common and easily sampled, presenting some responses to toxicants (biomarker responses) that can be reliably measured and show concentration dependence. Bioindicators can inform us also about the biological and ecological integrity of an environment. This is the ability to maintain communities balanced, adaptable and integrated organisms, possessing a species composition, diversity and functional organization comparable to a natural environment and reflect natural evolutionary processes. Another important use of bioindicators is the perform of bioassays. For more detailed explanation of bioassays please check this [wiki page]( Please help these resources grow by editing this page or adding and answering questions! You can also follow along and get updates on new resources by subscribing to the bioindicators tag ## Mainly used bioindicators ### Bioindicators for water For study of freshwater quality, the main group used is the macroinvertebrates. Between the most common bioindicators of good water quality we have the mayfly midges, and for polluted waters blood worms midges. These particular species have several advantages over: they are sedentary, with short life spans, are easy and cheap for sampling, and there are several methods for data analysis (biotic indexes and diversity indexes). ### Bioindicators for air For study of air quality, the main group used is the lichens. These bioindicators differ in their pollution sensitivity. You can find out more in the @vaniafong [research note]( These particular species have several advantages over: they are ubiquitous, they do not have a protective cuticle and absorb, if either symbiote is affected for something, both organisms die, they are relatively long-lived, they are perennial, have restricted ecological requirements or limited dispersion ranges. ### Bioindicators for soil For study of soil quality, one important group used is the plants. Between the most common plants of soil quality we have the cloudberry (_Rubus chamaemorus_), crowberry (_Empetrum nigrum_), onion (_Allium cepa_), _Tradescantia sp._, _Vicia faba_, among others. These particular species have several advantages over: do not move, depend directly on the soil to fulfill their vital functions, have specific requirements (acidophilic, basophilic, hydrophilic, nitrophilic, sciophilic, heliophilic plants, etc.), indicators of many characteristics of the environment such as metals in the soil, acidity in the soil and in the rain, climatic changes, human intervention, livestock pressure. ## Questions [questions:bioindicators] ## Research notes [notes:bioindicators] ## Wikis [wikis:bioindicators] ## Activities [activities:bioindicators] ### Published articles + Markert, Prof. Dr. Bernd & Breure, Anton & Zechmeister, Harald. (2003). Bioindicators and Biomonitors: Principles, Concepts and Applications. Trace Metals and Other Contaminants in the Environment. 6. 15-25. [LINK to the full text]( + Vinet, L., & Zhedanov, A. (2010). Bioindicators & Biomonitors Principles, Concepts and Applications. In Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (Vol. 53, Issue 9). [LINK to the abstract]( + Bhaduri, D., Chatterjee, D., Chakraborty, K., Chatterjee, S., & Saha, A. (2018). Bioindicators of Degraded Soils (pp. 231–257). [LINK to the abstrac]( ...

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johanwhatt525 "The purpose of this virtual event is to introduce the role of storytelling in community science and environmental advocacy. In addition, it invites..." | Read more » over 1 year ago
johanlee094 "The purpose of this virtual event is to introduce the role of storytelling in community science and environmental advocacy. In addition, it invites..." | Read more » over 1 year ago
johanlee094 "The purpose of this virtual event is to introduce the role of storytelling in community science and environmental advocacy. In addition, it invites..." | Read more » over 1 year ago
bhamster "@Bee, @Giiwedin, @JuliaGuerrein, @noah_ben_furman, @michelleiL, here's a recent example of a bioblitz that fellow Fellow Vania attended! " | Read more » almost 2 years ago
Ag8n "It looks like a single beam instrument was used for this work. With a double beam instrument, there is no need for phrases like "OD435/OD415". Th..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n " Lichen1.docx Hopefully, this will attach. " | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "In this area, lichens aren't common. Attached is a rough draft using lawn clippings to set up and test using various instruments. Don't know how ..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "The tungsten lamp remarks only apply to the 660 nm red lines. " | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Best bet- use an old fashioned tungsten lamp. Not a LED claiming to be a tungsten lamp. An LED has a narrow bandwidth. An old fashioned tungsten..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Looking into the 660 nm lines. It's not that LEDs don't exist for 425 nm region. They do. But the ones in the catalogs seemed expensive. Going ..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "There are 3 in 1 flashlights ( blue, white, and red) that would be good for this application- as long as the color was more like purple instead of ..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "If you are using the public lab spectrometer, a light source for around 400 nm is needed. It looks like there are some blue or violet led bulbs/ f..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "A test of this method might be to use lawn clippings and run it through the procedure. The idea is to extract chlorophyll, which should be presen..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Another, more current option , is to use a coffee grinder. With the temperature issues this material shows, probably using the frozen state would ..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "As for the mortar and pestle, there are many options. Some mortar and pestles are very expensive, but they don't have to be. They should be easy t..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Was checking one of the online vendors. Found new centrifuges for $70. Industrial quality centrifuge costs were much higher, but who knows. If y..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Ok. Trying to stay as close to duplicate the original paper as closely as possible. cera isn't in this area. But other closely related liche..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "One word of warning. Solvents ( like acetone) and plastic cuvettes do not usually go together. The worst case is the plastic melts, but the plast..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "Still have to do more work. But the acetone extract seems like something that might be doable in a home lab type situation. The acetone extract i..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
fongvania "There's some work needed to modify this research protocol so it can be done in regions like Ohio that might not have the exact species listed in th..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
fongvania "I don't know of a community science project using the pigment extraction method since there are some specialized steps and equipment, but we're cur..." | Read more » about 2 years ago
Ag8n "I went to to see what's in the ohio area. Didn't seem like there was anything directly comparable to the lichens in the paper..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
Ag8n "Out of curiosity only. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
Ag8n "Ok, the parameters are listed. Is there an example of a study set up? " | Read more » over 2 years ago