Question: Can a successful heavy metal analysis using moss samples be designed for community partners?

stevie is asking a question about heavy-metals
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by stevie | with DuwamishCleanup September 24, 2020 18:17 | #24644

The purpose of this project is to investigate if local community partners, with guidance from the regional scientist, could collect and prepare moss samples to be analyzed for heavy metals. The study came together by convening local partners who had a shared interest in community-led air monitoring projects.

Read more about the project here!


I read the parameters and need more information. There are places, such as the USP, that have heavy metal tests. Those heavy metal tests probably wouldn't be acceptable. But the variety of heavy metal tests is huge. Is there a better list of the parameters needed? Thank you.

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@duwamishcleanup - did you get a chance to read @Ag8n comment? Thanks for sharing your thoughts @Ag8n. We will work to get more information and update this post.

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