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Question: Desktop spectrometry 3.0 kit: Can it quantify/identify a mixture of chemical solvents?

peace is asking a question about spectrometer
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by peace | July 01, 2016 18:42 | #13252

Desktop spectrometry 3.0 kit: Can it quantify/identify a mixture of ethanol, methanol, KHCO3 etc.

I am looking to analyze our sample which is a potential mixture of ethanol, methanol, acetone, KHCO3 etc. Now, I do not know for sure if our mixture contains these components. Hence, I was wondering if someone has tried this kit and can detect what all is present in our sample? So far this sample is like an unknown sample to me. The sample is clear in color.



Hi, I haven't heard of someone doing this sort of analysis in our community, and since at least ethanol and methanol are optically clear (not familiar with KHCO3), this could be difficult. I'd start by doing some searches for the range of wavelengths typically used to detect/distinguish these. I don't believe ethanol or methanol fluoresce, so I guess you're thinking of absorption spectroscopy? It may be that they don't have measurable spectral features in the range (~400-900nm) of our spec design.

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Thank you for your comment. That's a good point. I will be looking into this.

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