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Question: driver usb camera community microscope

francesco49 is asking a question about microscope
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by francesco49 | November 22, 2019 10:30 | #21549

hi public lab,i have received yesterday the microplastic kit.i have a problem with the camera of the microscope,i need the driver to use it because doesn't work when i try to connect to the pc.thank you for the support


Hi, our basic microscope kits use a standard USB webcam that shouldn't need a driver; can you tell us more about the operating system you're using?

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The microscope provides up to 50X ... and can be used with the default webcam software included in your pc operating system. ... The apk download for this can be found below: ... It's also possible that the microscope isn't running under its specialized driver that MicroCapture requires.

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Hi @francesco49 -- just wondering if you've been able to get your camera up and running! If you give us a little more info about your setup we might be able to help you find the right settings. You're also welcome to join us on our Open Call (most Tuesdays at 3pm ET) if you'd like to chat by phone or video!

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Hi @francesco49

I'm moving this response over from a duplicate question not sure you've seen it?

We shouldn't need install a driver to use the USB cameras-- we generally open whatever photo capture program is already available on a computer and select "usb camera" (default is usually you computer's own camera). On Macs we use Photobooth, but if you don't have any kind of photo capture software on your computer, there are also lots of open source options that might help you out here:

I'm curious if you're getting an error message that is asking you to install drivers? Or an error code of some sort? If you share that here we can also take a look to see if we can diagnose. Thanks for reaching out!

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