Question: What is “data storytelling” and how can it be used for environmental data?

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by bhamster | November 08, 2021 19:18 | #28115

I recently heard about data stories from @renee, as a way to create a narrative story around a set of data and make it meaningful.

Does anyone have experience crafting a data story for their environmental data?
We're hoping to build some resources around how to create and use data stories for the research area review on air quality data. Thanks!


Don't know if this could be useful, but there are some great TED talks on the subject like this one:

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This is fantastic @renee, thank you!

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Made an activity to outline some steps in data storytelling and collect more resources on it:

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Some great tips on designing data visualizations also came out of the Greenpeace data activist co-op, relayed here by @laurel_mire: Impactful Data Visualization at Any Scale

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