Question: What type of chemicals are in the water in the Mississippi River?

JaylaE is asking a question about general
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by JaylaE | February 23, 2021 19:32 | #25783

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Hi @JaylaE great question.

Here are some resources that might help you:

This might be the best one, click "launch the map" and there's a tutorial. When you get to the map you can search a location, and use the key on the left hand side. Check out the ones in the reddish color:


You can also look for more specific data here:

This one can tell you about some water quality perimeters, but not specific chemicals:

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@jaylae another pollutant that has made concerns across the US public and our waterways are PFAS (Per-and polyfluoroalkyl sustances) and PFOA (Perfluroocatanic acid). The main concern with these is the industrial production and manufacturing sites where these chemicals are used to make certain products. Here are some resources to learn more:

fact sheet


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