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shubham "Do you think we need to fix the offset of magnitude 1 before division operator? i.e, the values of the spectra should begin from 0 rather than 1. " | Read more » almost 8 years ago
shubham "Hi wyzac How are you planning to go forward with aluminium holographic foil? Have you tried them already? I am using a flat-field concave grating ..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
shubham "Simply use some nailpolish remover (from your sister's cabinet :P) to remove all the dye within seconds. You can make reflective as well as clear t..." | Read more » about 8 years ago
shubham "Thanks Warren for the advice. I searched a bit on internet and I think its important that the silver salt crystal to be of sub micron size to get s..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "Hi Abhay. Guessing by your name, are you in India? I am working on a similar project. I am trying to interface TCD1304DG. Please get in touch. shub..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "@wjw . Hi sir. Are you still interested in this idea? Thanks for the info on CCTV camera conversion. " | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "I have a question. Since you seem to be an 'electronics guy', is there any way to run CCTV camera as a webcam on laptop. That would help me a lot i..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "Hi @wjw sir. Just realized you're a retired engineer and much senior to me. Model of the scanner is this" | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "Thanks wjw. I hope they are more clear in the labelled pics attached here. Wow, that's an elaborated response. How could I know these parameter..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "I'm sorry if I wasn't very clear there.I DON'T mean to use laser as a source. I was just explaining the working of the scanner. @warren (White) Li..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "Thank you Warren. I downloaded the .csv file and will try to work on the stats. Will keep updated on the project. :) " | Read more » over 8 years ago
shubham "In the commercial spectrometer measuring milk fat%, the range is mostly between 600-1100nm. Could you correlate the peaks with the actual fat% in t..." | Read more » over 8 years ago